By Smith Schafer & Associates

Tax Planning Tips for the Construction Industry

全年规划对于减少建筑公司2020年纳税申报表所欠的税款至关重要. In light of the ongoing impact from COVID-19 and recent legislation, 退后一步计划比以往任何时候都更重要,因为你可以潜在地确定新的建筑税收策略,这将节省你的钱. This article will discuss nine strategies, credits, 以及2020年建筑公司业主可能利用的扣除.

Credits & Deductions

1. Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction
Introduced as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Qualified Business Income from pass-through entities (sole proprietorships, partnership, or S-corporations) are generally eligible for a 20% deduction. The deduction is limited for specified services or trade business. 这些公司包括以员工的声誉或技能为主要资产的公司. 从事建筑业的企业应该能够充分利用这一扣除.

Tax Planning Tip: QBI is determined by many factors, including payroll levels. 公司应该确定是否有足够的工资支付,这样QBI扣除就会最大化. 或者,确定是否应该在设备或机器上投资额外的钱.
Aggregation is determined on an individual level, 因此,有必要与您的税务顾问讨论,因为汇总可能是不可撤销的.

2. Empowerment Zone Employment Credit
《网赌平台破解软件》更新了联邦授权区, which had previously expired at the end of 2017. 授权区就业抵免对2018年支付或发生的合格区域工资进行追溯延长, 2019, and 2020. 这项信贷激励企业雇用在联邦政府指定的授权区生活和工作的个人. This is a wage credit of up to $3,000 for each employee.

3. Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
WOTC是一项联邦税收抵免,用于雇主雇用接受政府援助的个人并将他们重新引入劳动力市场. 2015年《网赌平台破解软件》(PATH法案)允许符合条件的雇主在PATH法案颁布前为所有有效的目标群体雇员类别申请WOTC, if the individual began or begins work for the employer after December 31, 2014, and before January 1, 2021.

Depending on the target group an individual belongs to, the credit per new hire can range from $2,400 to $9,600. Target groups include: Qualified IV-A Recipient, Qualified Veteran, Ex-Felon, Summer Youth Employee, and many more.

这项税收抵免的价值是由雇员符合资格的目标群体决定的, the number of hours worked, 以及适用于该目标群体的就业期间所赚取的工资.

4. Section 179D Energy-Efficient Commercial Property Deduction
这种扣除额允许建筑公司业主根据新建筑改造的平方英尺来索赔. The incentive provides a $1.80 per square foot deduction of energy-efficient space. This deduction can be divided into three energy-efficient categories:

  1. Lighting
  2. HVAC & Hot Water Systems
  3. Building Envelope

Each of these can obtain a $0.60 deduction. To qualify for this deduction, 建筑物必须由合格的第三方个人(根据IRS通知2006-52的定义)进行建模,并与遵循ASHRAE标准90设计的参考建筑物进行比较.1-2007 using IRS-approved software.

5. Energy-Efficient Homes Credit
节能住宅信贷已追溯延长至2018年、2019年和2020年. This credit is a tax incentive allowing builders to claim a credit of $2,000 per qualified dwelling unit. 一个合格的住宅需要由一个独立的人进行建模,并与符合2006年国际节能法规的参考建筑进行比较. 它可以是一个独户住宅,一个公寓综合体的单元,或者一个老年人生活社区. Each separate rental unit may qualify for the $2,000 credit. However, each unit must be eligible on its own (i.e., an entire building cannot be certified with one model). This credit may be claimed on any open tax year.

6. Payroll Tax Credits & Deferral
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 《网赌好的平台》规定,在2019冠状病毒病危机期间,向雇员支付的工资的50%可退还的工资税抵免. 该抵免适用于2020年3月12日之后至2021年1月1日之前支付的工资.

The maximum amount of wages eligible for the credit is $10,000, with the maximum credit for any employee equal to $5,000. If the business experienced a government order limiting commerce, travel, or group meetings, 与去年同期相比,季度销售额下降了50%以上, this credit can be claimed. When the business sales exceeded 80% of sales in the same quarter in 2019, it no longer qualifies for the credit at the end of that quarter.

这种抵免可以通过减少工资税的数额来立即抵免. 这一抵免适用于社会保障税的雇主部分.

Other Tax Planning Strategies to Consider

7. Succession Planning
The succession planning process is often overlooked until it is too late. Tax planning is an integral part of the succession planning process. 如果有一个计划来管理因潜在出售或其他方式转让企业所有权而产生的收入流入所产生的纳税义务,那将是最好的. 在协商交易条款时,牢记税收是至关重要的. 你最不想要的就是因为糟糕的税收规划而给政府增加不必要的税收.

8. Cost Segregation Study
成本分离研究的目的是确定与房地产购买或重建有关的资产及其成本,并对这些资产进行分类,以便联邦税收. 当纳税人购买或建造一栋建筑物时,它通常会折旧,通常超过39年. However, 成本分离研究确定了与不动产相关的成本,这些成本可以重新分配到寿命较短的资产中进行折旧. 这些研究是商业地产所有者最有价值的节税策略之一, leaseholders, and others.

9. Revenue Recognition
会计准则编纂(ASC) 606的主要目标是在所有行业中创建类似的收入确认政策和计算. The construction industry, which has historically had its own guidance and industry practices, is no exception. 会计准则606取代了几乎所有与收入确认有关的会计准则. 它要求非公实体在12月15日之后的数年内实施, 2018, resulting in many already undergoing implementation, but this has been delayed because of the COVID-19 crisis. It is now required for years beginning after December 15, 2019.

Note: early implementation of ASC 606 is allowed.

How can we help?

With several credits extended to the end of 2020, 建筑业有机会利用税收优惠,减少他们的下一个税收账单. 立即网赌好的平台,与合格的顾问合作,帮助您利用机会并为您的建筑公司做出最佳决策. Our Minnesota Construction Accounting Experts, comprised of numerous professionals, 致力于为明尼苏达州800多家建筑和房地产实体提供服务. 史密斯谢弗拥有丰富的经验和对建筑行业的理解,为您未来的成功带来持久的积极影响. Please send us a message today.

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